News / Events

Monday 5 October 2015

Events in November

Target is pleased to announce its CPD events for November.

Target will be organising a number of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) seminars throughout November. As is normal with these events, delegates will have the opportunity to talk directly to a member of our technical team.

CPD Seminar (Poole) - Tuesday 10th November 2015
This event is hosted by Target and will take the form of a breakfast seminar. In addition to the presentation on Solving Structural Problems, delegates will have the opportunity to discuss any specific projects they have with a member of our technical team. To register for the event (and your free breakfast), please email our events team.

Upton House

Upton Country Park
Poole Rod
BH17 7BJ

Location Website

Upton House was built in 1818 and forms the focal point of the estate. The house and grounds were bequeathed to the people of Poole in the 1950's. 

  • 08:20 Registration & refreshments
  • 08.30 - 09.15 Seminar
  • 09.15 Breakfast
  • 09.45 - 10.30 Seminar

CPD Seminar (Hertfordshire) - Wednesday 25th November 2015

This event is hosted by Target and will take the form of a breakfast seminar. In addition to the presentation on Solving Structural Problems, delegates will have the opportunity to discuss any specific projects they have with a member of our technical team. To register for the event (and your free breakfast), please email our events team.
Shendish Manor

Shendish Manor Hotel
London Road

Shendish Manor was built in 1853 by Charles Longman, who demolished the existing farmhouse and used his inherited fortune from a publishing company to build a Manor house.

  • 08:20 Registration & refreshments
  • 08.30 - 09.15 Seminar
  • 09.15 Breakfast
  • 09.45 - 10.30 Seminar